If you’re on this page then it’s likely because, like myself at one point in my life, you have gotten sick and tired of:
  • Waking up to the “BUUUZZZZZ” of an alarm clock.
  • Repeating the same boring, unexciting daily routine of waking up, go to work, come home and looking forward for weekend that leaves you the feeling of like a zombie.
  • Feeling a sense of unfulfillment and thinking that you meant for something or that you can do more in life but you just can’t because you don’t know what direction to go.
  • Reading restaurant menus from right to left or top to bottom (but in reality you’re trying to look for the cheapest food available).
  • Not have been into a vacation for how many years like exploring another country. You can’t even roam around in your own locality.
  • Every night you’re trying to relax your mind placing your head on the pillow only to find out you are so worried about how you’re going to pay the next bill.

… The list goes on and on, but if I strike a chord with you even on one of these illustrations then it’s a sign that you’re on to something. You’re one of those people who are caught up on the so called SLAVERY MATRIX.

                                                "THE SLAVERY MATRIX"

             I chose to live my life so I would NEVER be exerted upon
… or most people knew it as, the 7-to-5 job. The belief that you should trade time for money, that true fulfillment in life getting some kind of degree, finding a stable job, raising a family and then retiring. Is that really what you think why you exist on earth? To live a life of mediocracy?
Follow the footsteps of what every person do? (Well I’m talking about the mentality here that each of us must go to school then study hard, finish college, earn a degree, gain experience, find a job and then get employed.) Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against getting a job, but you do have a choice.

YOU MAY GET A JOB BUT IT’S LIKE THIS. You are being used by someone, you work for him, you have a salary but he makes much money more than you do. Yes, the reality here is that “you are working so hard, you even sacrificed your own happiness to be with your family because you don’t want to be scolded by your boss, you want everything to be perfect when it comes to work”. This may sound selfish but it’s true.


YOU MAY FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS: TO HAVE TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Those who chose to exert effort to achieve their dreams, they worked harder than what they usually do. They worked for good and did their best not just for themselves. They worked "with" others together hand in hand in order to achieve each of their goals may it be common or not. Their work is life enhancing, self-actualizing that leads to a truly free lifestyle.

     What separates a mediocre life from a life of abundance is WORK.
If you've read my story, you will know that from a very young age I decided to follow my dreams. I want to have TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM. I did this because I wanted to leave a legacy. 
I tell you, to leave a legacy is simple to those who have determination, passion to work hard, positive attitude, and to those who sincerely know their path. Of course, it would take sacrifices, a sickening work ethic and a relentless willpower.

Whenever you see someone who is successful in life, possibly no one ever thinks about all the hard work that person did just to reach the success that he aims. Most of the people admire the successful person but never think for themselves. Could we be successful too? And the answer here is, “why not?” If he did, why can’t you?
What they fail to realize is the only thing that separates someone who lives a mediocre life from a life of abundance. It is the way HOW THEY WORK.
There’s absolutely NO HINDRANCES that stop you from becoming great, ONLY YOU YOURSELF do. If others can, why can’t you rise into greatness?
All it takes is just hard work. Never stop until you reach the top. Just believe that you can!

Unfortunately a lot of people stop, however, they get motivated but because they don’t have a tangible direction to channel this motivation, they end up either sinking back into mediocracy or they left everything out including their dreams.


              Allow me to give you a sense of direction.
I’m not going to send you out into the jungle alone, with nothing on hand. I’m going to equip you with a map, a compass and all the supplies you need. You’re still going to be the one who will embark your own journey but at least you have now a sense of DIRECTION.
What kind of journey am I talking about? 
It is the pursuit of happiness, health, wealth, and lifestyle freedom. The journey of a better ENTREPRENEURIAL LIFE.


…and a commitment to yourself to stick to that decision no matter what happen. May you have DOUBTS and FEARSYou should have a sense of understanding of every detail of your life. Every new experience has the power to radically alter your current course. It can alter your current course because I was in your EXACT same shoes not too long ago…
… I was not happy with where my life was going, uncertain about the future, but HOPEFUL that I would find a way to regain control of my life… 

So make the decision, click HERE and I will show to you an opportunity to meet positive people. An opportunity to earn an extra income. An opportunity to re-ignite your personal enthusiasm for life. An opportunity to build a business. And, an opportunity to create wealth.

Just BELIEVE in yourself.

What’s the one thing more powerful than reality? IT’S THE PERSON’S BELIEF. So take away all of your doubt bugs, and follow me.We will together work through the journey to achieve the pursuit of happiness, health, wealth, and lifestyle freedom.

Your Friend in Success,
      Ariel S. Rabaya

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