Network Marketing is a viable tool to achieve financial goals, but it does not come easily, nor is wealth assured for the greedy and dishonest. Network Marketing is not about using people, but about getting other people involved in the business as your partners. I won’t tell you sponsoring people into your business will be easy, in fact it may be your biggest challenge.
Fortunes are being made everyday in network marketing. Are you ready to step up and start making your own business? Network marketing does not require you to be beautiful, college graduate, or an heir to an empire. All you need is the "conviction to believe in yourself", and the courage to get out and make something positive happen.

Listed below are some TIPS and GUIDELINES how to start and succeed in your MLM journey.
  • Choose the right company for you. Do some research to determine which company is best fit for you personally.
  • Choose the right sponsor. This is crucial to your success and the right one will help you coach for your success.
  • Realize that it will take time. Network Marketing (MLM) is real business and not a get rich quick scheme.
  • Have a game plan. Literally, write out your plans on to how you will build your business. You will have greater success than those who don't.
  • The “WHY” is most important. Why do you involve yourself? For better lifestyle or Freedom or Financial security? Now, define what it means to you.
  • Be coachable. MLM is a business of duplication. Those who've already been successful will share their secrets to success, and all you need to do is listen and then do what they tell you.
  • Develop your dreams and goals. Studies have shown that very few people have written dreams and goals, yet those who do achieve high levels of success. Identify your dreams first.
  • Work. Network marketing has probably produced more millionaires than any other industry, and although each of those people built their businesses with different companies and using different methods, they all did one thing--work.
  • Make a million friends. The advice that made the biggest impact on my success in network marketing was to go out with the idea of making a million friends instead of a million peso. You can only be successful in network marketing if you help others become successful too. So go out and find some new friends whom you can help achieve success.
  • Be a leader. You need skills. Learn to manage. Lead by example and do more than everyone else on your team. Attend all the events. If you don’t, most probably everyone else in the team won’t too. As a leader, you must be a professional and get the knowledge about network marketing success to pass onto others. Know what to do and how to do things right so you can teach others how to do it.
  • Study MLM like you are studying a four-year degree in it. Read and listen to EVERYTHING. And of course, LEARN.
  • Manage your beliefs. Study, listen to and watch people that have the beliefs same as what you have. Learn to believe in what you have and what you want as an expectation.
  • Consider your opportunity like any new career. Have full determination and dedicate yourself to mastering it.
  • Sponsor and keep sponsoring until you find an Ace. Then, take them DEEP and DIG more! (There are always four aces in every 52 cards. There’s a big possibility that there are at least four builders out of every 52 you sponsor).
  • Prospect as though you believe everyone is at least interested. They would be, if they knew what you knew…wouldn't they?
  • Remember, the more people who say no, the closer you are to the one who says yes. The odds PROVE it, so stick on it.
  • If time and opportunity gives you a chance, get to know people first before introducing them to your opportunity. Find out what is important to them, what do they need and what is missing.
  • Never be cute or make fantastic stories about what it is you do. Be straight about the opportunity. Answer every question directly, followed immediately by your own question.
  • Call people by their name. They love hearing it and will love you for remembering it.
  • Leapfrog! Show people that they can make themselves successful. Paint the picture of their success through their prospects.
  • Drip on everyone that has said no. What they meant was, not now. Send them something every month. Let them feel that they are remembered. Life will turn out something for them.
  • Offer people about one-third of what you think their full-time income is. Less is boring or let’s say won’t really make you enjoy life. However, much more is unbelievable.
  • Don’t beg people to join. Beggars are not attractive. Let them know the opportunity and be just fine with them not being ready.
  • Be mindful of what you are doing when you offer the opportunity to others. Would they want to do what you are doing?
  • Listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care. Listen!
  • Edify, edify edify! Sell your sponsor, your upline, and corporate leaders. Introduce them to your prospects and new distributors powerfully. This way, your prospects and distributors may feel that they are special. Practice this.
  • Paint a vivid, powerful picture of the income opportunity for your prospects. People have to see it in their mind’s eye first to believe it. This will catch their attention.
  • Master the Art of Listening Through Objection. Prospects’ objections are rarely true, even for them. Handle it well. These objections are merely a form of resisting being “sold.” Never argue, not even subtly. Just listen: embrace, define, embellish, clear it up, and address. 

Additional Tip Every MLMers Should Remember and Understand to Achieve Success

Challenge yourself like a tree separated from its roots. You need to challenge your mind to pressure it into doing a tasks. But it finds disruptive to a naturally pleasant state of mental laziness. That is, if you’re not careful you will spend your entire life watching comedy or any other movies and wondering what’s for dinner.

Challenge yourself. Demand more from yourself. Challenge yourself to give the network marketing business at least one year of consistent serious effort. Dedicate fourteen to twenty-one hours per week to build the business, talk to at least two people per day about the opportunity, and attend the weekly opportunity meeting with at least one guest.

If you will challenge yourself, success will be yours.

There are people in this world who have experienced bad things, made terrible business errors, and lost fortunes due to deals gone badly. In the course of discussing the opportunity with your prospects, you’re going to come across these people. Some of them are shy, and very negative about getting involved in a business. Most of these people may be hopelessly lost in thrashing themselves for past mistakes, but a few may come around with a little coaching.

One thing you can point out to a prospect in this category is the low start up cost. In network marketing you're not going to ask them to buy thousands of pesos worth of product and any other item, or to invest in a fancy piece of equipment. Secondly, you may read and use the story below to show how costly experience should be considered education, not defeat.

One day a young executive for IBM made a mistake, costing the company over one million dollars in expenses. Thinking the worst, he approached Tom Watson, the founder of IBM, and said, “I guess I’m fired.” Tom Watson is reported to have answered, “Are you kidding, I just spent a million dollars on your education.”

A bad experience
does not
have to spell the
end of your

The moral of the story is this: "just because you've had a bad experience, or tried and failed in another business, does not mean it is already the end of the world. Learn from your mistakes and build on them. You dearly paid for those errors. Don’t put them in the trash bins.

Successful people have often failed more often than failures. Confused?
Failures are not people who have failed, but people who stopped trying. They have given up on self-improvement, and forget the power of goal setting and the pursuit of a worthwhile objective.

Successful people are not used to failure, but rather than see failure as a setback, they see it as an opportunity to figure out something again, hopefully in a different manner. As the saying tells, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,”. This is the appropriate and the best advice for the network marketing entrepreneurs.

Where there is effort,
no failure can long endure.
There is no shame in
failure, only quitting.

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