There was one morning when I woke up and I realized my business was generating over P50,000 / month and I could not believe it. I pinched myself and asked, “Is this real? Or am I just dreaming?"

I mean who was I? I was just some 26 year old youngster, from a lower middle class family, still in college, with no formal education in business. 
But this leads me to think Further …”if at 26 years old I was able to manage a business which has a track record of generating over P1,000,000.00 every single month as gross profit, what could someone with a higher level of education and who has Knowledge of the online and offline marketing do? What other people of my age can accomplish? "

What I am trying to say here is, it does not matter what accomplishments under my belt I have or what my lifestyle is like, what matters most is YOU. Yes, we're talking here for real.

So before I dive in too much more of my story, I want to first discuss one of the most important keys to achieve ones SUCCESS.


Have you ever experienced of dreaming big? Then what you did was that you worked very hard from morning till night and from night till dawn? Now let me ask you, WHY did you do that? For most of us have to say, because I want to make that big dream of mine come true. WHY am I dreaming big? WHY am I doing everything to reach my dream? WHY simply serves as our PURPOSE. That is the role of "WHY" there. The most important thing a person needs to know is the WHY of His life. And when it comes to business even in our personal life, each one of us has a big WHY. Now let's figure it out.

If you're thinking right now that your why is MONEY, then I strongly suggest you dig deeper and figure out what motivates you. Furthermore, think what you're really after of. I can tell you from my own experience that it's not the money that will get you out of bed early in the morning. It's not the money that pushes you from your comfort zone and tell you that you should go and rise into greatness.

I started my business with the desire to build a better life for myself and my family, to inspire others, to demand more out of life than mediocracy and to leave a legacy. If you want to succeed in your business or life, you must know your WHY and you have to have a greater VISION of your goals and the things you’re doing for it Money will come when you're chasing the right things. And all it does is allow us to LIVE FREELY. True gifts will not be fully realized until you create enough income to finally be able to escape the trap of the 7-to-5 job I like to call it "the slavery Matrix".
  • Maybe you're looking for an opportunity to provide a better life for your family. 
  • Maybe you would like to travel around the world like me or 
  • Maybe you simply want to create something better for yourself and that will help your family and other people who cross paths with you.
When I started out in entrepreneurship I had no clue how am I going to achieve my goals. I just knew in my heart WHY I wanted to STRIVE to start a business and that I would do EVERYTHING to Achieve my BIG DREAM.

"About Me"

My name is Ariel S. Rabaya, I was born in Surigao City, currently 27 years old and right now I'm traveling in different countries. I spend a lot of time Reading Books, Learning from great Guru's specially from authors like Robert Kiyosaki, Dale Carnegie, Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Mike Dillard, Mark Hoverson, Jonathan Budd, Ann Sieg, Frank Kern, Joe Vitale, and many others. I learn a whole bunch from these amazing people. I also love to spend time to do my other hobbies like playing Basketball, Frisbee, Table Tennis and Physical Fitness Workout.


A couple of years ago, a friend of mine recommended a book written by an author named Robert Kiyosaki. The book is entitled "Rich Dad Poor Dad". After reading this brilliant book, a big shift of course happened to my life and it transform me to who I am today. A guy with an entrepreneurial spirit and has a hunger for learning more in developing myself.

When I was just starting with my Network Marketing Business, I struggled so hard. I faced so many rejections, wasted a lot of efforts, a lot of time and money as well. I can't figure out why I failed even though I did everything what my upline told me to do.

"Finding the SOLUTION"

After the failure that I have experienced, I decided to find a solution. I started to look for answers of all my queries on the INTERNET. I started educating myself as much as I could. I read lots of books, attended series of trainings and absorbed everything I have learned. And most importantly, met many Coaches and Mentors where in they imparted me knowledge they have. In my own opinion, having Mentors to guide you in any business is very important. Not only it will speed up your learning curve but you will also be guided on what are the things that you should do and what to avoid.

In studying Internet Marketing, I learned two very important skills. First is "how to generate endless number of highly qualified prospects". Second, "I learned how to attract prospects", letting them come towards me without spending too much effort and without forcing them too.  Instead of I, chasing and hunting them down. This two skills solve my problems and turned my business into a best one. By combining the power of the internet and Online Marketing Strategy, I'm on my quest to best develop my business and achieve Time and Financial Freedom.

"My Sincere Intention"
One of my deepest passion is to help other people who wants to succeed by empowering them all the knowledge and skills that I've learned. I'd also like to motivate them to persevere their business journey. Encourage them to show up hidden potentials that will bring positive results not just for themselves but also to those people surrounding them.

I firmly believe that in order for us to be successful we need to have willingness to help others...

If you want to take the next step in your journey towards greatness, click HERE which will take you to a page where I will reveal to you how over the course of the next few weeks you will have your blindfold taken off and for the first time see side of life most people spend their whole lives searching for, all while developing into the person deep down you know you were destined to become. "To the pursuit of  happiness, health, wealth, and lifestyle freedom"

Your Friend in Success,
      Ariel S. Rabaya

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